Our Boutique Policies for Phase One
Business Re-Opening!

Here is the information currently listed on our liability waiver --- this is subject to change!

·       Due to the 2019-2020 outbreak of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Champagne Taste Bridal, LLC is taking extra precautions with the care of every bride & her guests to include health history review and enhanced sanitation/disinfection procedures in accordance with the Maryland Business Phase One Guidelines and in conjunction with the CDC business regulations.

Symptoms of COVID-19 include:

·         Fever

·         Fatigue

·         Dry Cough

·         Difficulty Breathing

I agree to the following: * (You’ll be asked to initial at your appointment) 

________ I acknowledge that I am here for this appointment by my own free will and understand the global COVID19 pandemic, the current risks of said interaction during this appointment, the contagion factor of said virus, and my ability to choose to be present for this appointment during this global crisis.

 ________ I affirm that I was informed of the location of the restrooms (wash stations), boutique cleaning product location for inspection, the date the boutique was last deep cleaned professionally (May 20th – 21st, 2020), I was encouraged to wash my hands prior to beginning the appointment, my consultant went over mask procedures, my consultant informed my guests of the boutique policies regarding guest assistance and forbidden areas of the boutique, and my consultant shared the cleaning procedures with me prior to my arrival and those that will occur after my departure. With this stated, I release Champagne Taste Bridal, staff and affiliates from reasonable, but not negligent, faults in cleaning procedures and understand it is nearly impossible to clean EVERY surface area to 100% germ free.

________ I understand the above symptoms and affirm that I, as well as all household members, do not currently have, nor have experienced the symptoms listed above WITHIN THE LAST 14 DAYS.

________ I affirm that I, as well as all household members, have not knowingly been exposed to anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 WITHIN THE PAST 30 DAYS, received medical attention for potential symptoms, or currently pending test results from a hospital or physician.

 ________ I affirm that I, as well as all household members, have not traveled outside of the country, or to any city considered to be a “hot spot” for COVID-19 infections WITHIN THE PAST 30 DAYS!

 ________ I understand that Sara Lehnen (McGuinn Socially), All Affiliates, Staff and the company as an entity, Champagne Taste Bridal, LLC, cannot be held liable for any exposure to the COVID-19 virus caused by misinformation on this form or the health history provided by each client or the failure of recommended cleaning procedures and products that have been used effectively by our staff. You will be held personally liable for any misinformation or false information submitted. If you have questions, ask them before signing. Facetime and Zoom are available, it isn’t worth the risk of exposure.

Champagne Taste Bridal is following these procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

– Upon your arrival you will be permitted to see our cleaning materials on a displayed shelf by our office for inspection, you will be informed of the procedures of the appointment, you will be introduced to the staff, you will be told about mask procedures, you will be notified of the bathrooms with wash sinks, you will be told the protocols of the appointment (which specifically include individuals of different households should be seated apart, individuals should remain on the couch and not approach the pedestal, especially to touch any of the appointment materials, gowns, and guests are confined to the showroom floor and the lobby – DO NOT ENTER OUR STOCK ROOMS, THE DRESSING ROOM or OFFICE unless instructed to do so).

· We are not allowing guests to wait for their appointment inside the building. If we run over time with the appointment prior to yours, unfortunately you will have to wait until the bride completely departs the building, cleaning procedures occur and we welcome you into the building (we apologize – we will do our best to stay on time). We ask that you do not arrive early and stick to your appointment time allowance out of respect for the next client and need for cleaning measures to be completed.

· Guests accompanying those scheduled for appointments are discouraged to be in a number more than 1 additional guest to the bride, but brides are permitted to bring up to 4 total guests which is 50% occupancy for our boutique. We are by-appointment only and DO NOT allow walk-in, so all guests will be accounted for and tracked for record keeping.

· We encourage you to wash your hands on-arrival and prior to departure. Our staff will administer hand washing and/or hand sanitizer before beginning to assist you. You may also see them administer hand sanitizer throughout the appointment, do not be offended, this is for the safety of all and honestly a habit at this point.

· You will see that fresh clips are being used for each appointment and the previous appointment’s clips will most likely be in a sanitizing liquid. The only exception to this would be if they are cleaned and dried and available for use or you are the first appointment of the day.

· Our staff WILL need to assist with getting gowns on in the dressing room. Your consultant will wear a mask and keep distance in the dressing room the best as possible. When departing the dressing room and standing on the pedestal, your consultant may need to approach you to clip, tighten, loosen, or adjust your bridal gown. The gown adjustment will occur, and the consultant will then step back at distance available in the boutique. A person of your SAME household can sub for the consultant if desired.

· Your consultant will wear a clean cloth mask or surgical mask during the duration of your appointment. You are expected to do the same. If you meet CDC guidelines for non-mask wear is the only exception. If you choose to remove your mask while residing on our couch, you assume all risk and liability for said action. Please remain 6 feet from all other members of the group and if you need to cough or sneeze remove yourself from the showroom floor. We can allow them to come off everyone for photos, but the client assumes all risk for non-mask wearing at any point during the appointment.

· All gowns, accessories, veils, and other materials used during your appointment will be sanitized and cleaned prior to being put back on the racks / shelves. The gowns specifically will be steamed either during your appointment by another staff member or at the end of your appointment prior to the next appointment’s arrival. If you would like it sanitized again in front of you, you may ask for this to occur. I also acknowledge that any purchased off-the-rack gown can be high heat steamed FREE of charge or can be sent for professional cleaning for a fee of $185 if desired (both require pick-up at a later date).

· All door handles, the pedestal, threshold walls, bathroom, couch / chairs, and other high traffic areas will be sanitized / cleaned prior to your arrival or before you can proceed through the boutique. Sanitation liquids include a multitude of products, which can contain bleach or other disinfectant materials. If you have allergies, concerns, or need to remove yourself from an area or require a door to be opened for ventilation, please tell your consultant. If you would like to see something sanitized in front of you, you may ask.

· Invoicing: All Invoices will be sent to the bride’s email. We are encouraging contactless payments, but we can process the payment on our laptop for you, but prior to the card being transferred back to your wallet we would encourage you to sanitize the card.

* By signing below, I agree to each statements, conditions and policies above and release Sara Lehnen (McGuinn Socially), All Affiliates, Staff and the company as an entity, Champagne Taste Bridal, LLC from all liability for the unintentional exposure or harm due to COVID-19. I also recognize that I am CHOOSING to attend this appointment during the pandemic and assume responsibility of my actions.

Sara Lehnen (McGuinn Socially), All Affiliates, Staff and the company as an entity, Champagne Taste Bridal, LLC agrees to abide by these standards and affirms the same. 

Basically... if you are going to have to say yes to anything listed or lie to say no, stay home and reschedule!

We are by Appointment Only

If you would like to come visit us whether you are looking for a specific dress, wanting to try on anything including accessories, gowns, bridesmaid gowns, etc, please use our online scheduler to do so!